For 15 years, every month, I gave my parents $500 as pocket money. I didn't expect anything happened in future because I thought they made use of my money to improve their daily living, for example, food and transport. Until one day, I realized what they did was different from what I thought. Instead of eating good food, they used my money to pay their house installment. It was nothing wrong. The thing hurt me deeply was in the will, clearly written down that the house and all belongings passed to my youngest brother. I was very upset because the house price increased 20 times already.
Shall I blame them? Once I gave to them pocket money, I should not care how they used the money. The point was that they used my money to pay installment of the house which value went up tremendously. I had nothing in return. Why?
Anyway, did you expect any return in the first place? I don't think so.... right?
It is your brother's good karma to be the inheritor, you shd be proud of him. There must be a reason behind for your parents to do so.
I am surprised to know that you have felt 'hurt' fot the reasons mentioned...
如果房价涨100倍, 你是不是要疯了?
付出还望回报, 求不得是不是苦?
你开心地付出, 你父母也一样开心付出。既然大家都开心, 你要怨谁呢?
Still, a layman can't
心宽则万事皆圆。 ykl
你的‘生气’ 如果是因为父母为了帮弟弟而省吃俭用没有好好照顾自己, 那还情有可言...至少你是心疼父母的生活过得不好。
可是你的问题不是围绕在父母的生活素质, 而是屋价高涨, 房子却没你的份儿?
我以为一般人都不会那样想, 更何况是你?
想不通的话, 找师父开解吧!
Thanks for your advice. I am clear now. I should not be so greedy. The money is their pocket money which is nothing to do with me.
有一天,爸妈很内疚地对我说:「房子是给你兄弟的,爸妈没钱了,没什么可以留给你。对不起」 我说:「你们给了我生命是最好的礼物了,你们并没亏欠我呀!」
父母什么都没留给我等于我独立了,他们无需再担心我往后的日子。 而兄弟们能拥有房子我反而很开心,因为他们是我的兄弟,我爱他们呀!
你千万别让父母知道你心里怎么想, 要不然他们一定会很难过....
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